LowDown Brass Band
The LowDown Brass Band is a uniquely strong representation of Chicago’s music culture. This talented all horn band leans heavily on dancehall and street beat rhythm, with the energy of conscious hip-hop, jazz, reggae, and soul. Following an ambitious project titled LowDown Sounds, that included a critically acclaimed cameo by Roy Ayers, LowDown Brass Band is now touring their 2018 hip-hop release titled LowDown Breaks featuring MC Billa Camp. This new record steps deeper into refining their unique sound, combining hip-hop breaks with live soul samples and deep cut grooves.
Schedule of the night includes:
6:00pm Lawn Opens (food/drink vendors open)
6:30pm Music Starts
Featured food trucks: Breaking Burrito, Krazy Concessions, Ollies
Sponsored by: Sanford Health
Join us on the Lloyd Lawn at the Levitt for this free outdoor concert. Open seating is available on the lawn-please bring blankets and lawn chairs. You also can bring your own food and non-alcoholic beverages (no outside alcohol permitted). Social distancing and masks are encouraged. Parking is free after 5pm and on the weekends downtown. See you at the Levitt! For more information visit: www.levittsiouxfalls.org.
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