11th Annual Downtown Burger Battle
Prepare your tastebuds for battle! The 11th Annual Downtown Burger Battle presented by First PREMIER Bank & PREMIER Bankcard kicks off January 1, 2024, and will continue through the month of January.
Participating restaurants will show off downtown’s killer range and variety by putting their spin on the classic burger. Come downtown, or choose from takeout and delivery options, enjoy a burger, then rate it to have your say in which restaurant is crowned champion at the end of the month!
Burger tasters (that’s you!) will assign up to five points in each of five categories for every featured burger they try. The burger with the highest average points at the conclusion of the battle will be declared the winner!
Get ready to vote on each burger by downloading the official app of downtown – The DTSF Digital Passport! Download from your mobile browser now at passport.dtsf.com.
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